The F5345 is monolithic integrated circuits which provide all of the active functions for a step-down switching regulator capable of driving up to 4A loads with output over current protection characteristics. The wide input voltage range of 9.5V to 40V makes the F5345 suitable for regulating
power from a wide variety of sources, including 24V industrial supplies and automotive batteries.
High efficiency(up to 93%) is obtained through the use of 60m ON-resistance power MOSFET.
The F5345 provides for a complete design using a minimum number of external components.
The F5345 also has built in programmable soft-start, output over current protection, output short circuit protection, thermal shutdown and output cable compensation functions.[本信息來自于今日推薦網]
power from a wide variety of sources, including 24V industrial supplies and automotive batteries.
High efficiency(up to 93%) is obtained through the use of 60m ON-resistance power MOSFET.
The F5345 provides for a complete design using a minimum number of external components.
The F5345 also has built in programmable soft-start, output over current protection, output short circuit protection, thermal shutdown and output cable compensation functions.[本信息來自于今日推薦網]
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