到設定值 選購指南
SLX雙向示流信號器(思特斯SITES) 型號:SLX-40雙向示流信號器、SLX-50雙向示流信號器、SLX-80雙向示流信號器、SLX-100雙向示流信號器、SLX-125雙向示流信號器、SLX-150雙向示流信號器、SLX-200雙向示流信號器、SLX-15ZS雙向 ◇ 概 述 SLX雙向示流信號器是用來監(jiān)視管路中的水流流量,當流量達到設定值時,示流信號 器發(fā)出電信號。反饋到保護系統(tǒng)或控制流量的系統(tǒng)中去,從而保護主設備能正常工作。在現(xiàn)場, 還可通過觀察指針的偏轉程度來判斷水流情況。本......
豆芽機什么牌子好豆芽機那里有賣 豆芽機廠家批發(fā)
豆芽機什么牌子好豆芽機那里有賣 豆芽機廠家批發(fā) Bean sprouts we are fresh and well cooked, bean sprouts with us for many years, we have part of the learning and understanding for bean sprouts, some friends might be in bean sprout growth cycle and bean sprout cultivation are part of the learning and understanding, from the perspective of the analysis of bean sprouts and have sustainable, but the trend of development for a long time. More confirm......